Tuesday, February 24, 2009

why are you taking out 70 euros? i'm going to rome!

me stina and leah in seville

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I've been busy with school and what not! Hmm where did I leave off...
Ok, so last Thursday I did one of the most fun things I have ever done. Unlike most cities in Spain, it is illegal to drink on the streets of Granada but there is this one plaza where it is legal to drink and everyone goes there on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before going to the clubs. It is called botellon which basically means "big bottle" and there were literally like 300 people there it was crazy! Everyone goes to the store and buys a bottle of liquor, a bottle of Fanta, cups, and ice and stays there until like 3 in the morning. We might have been the only Americans there but it was so much fun and then we went dancing at a club called Kapital. Molly and I met these two boys who are from Spain but studied at South Carolina last semester--how weird! They were in Charlotte more recently than I was! 

This past weekend I went to Seville with API, it is a city about 3 hours west of Granada. It was really cool because Christine is studying there so I got to hang out with her which was so weird. We acted like it was so normal to see each other but then we were like wait, we are in Spain together. She is coming to Granada in a couple of weeks which I am really excited about! Seville is really, really pretty we visited the third largest cathedral in the world, how crazy! Inside of the cathedral was the tomb of Columbus but apparently there is controversy about whether or not it really is Columbus. Spain believes that Columbus is in Spain and that his son was buried in the Dominican Republic and the Dominican Republic thinks that Columbus is buried there and his son is in Spain. Our tour guide told us that they are going to do a DNA test to figure out where Columbus is actually buried. Seville was a lot different than Granada, it is about 3 times the size of Granada and was about 10 degrees warmer. The warmer temperature was definitely nice, it was almost 70 on Sunday but it definitely made me realize how much I love Granada. Even though Seville has wider roads and bigger parks and plazas, there were so many more Americans in Seville. Literally everywhere I went I heard people talking in English which is a really bad thing for me because I don't try to talk in Spanish as much. 

I started volunteering last week and it is fun but a lot different than I thought it was going to be. Last week I was basically a guest speaker. I felt like I was at show and tell. The teacher made me stand in front of the class for an hour talking about myself and explaining the school system in the United States. The kids are all around 11 or 12 years old and have been taking English since they started school but the questions they were asking me were hilarious. One of the girls asked me if I liked to ice skate, I have no idea how she knew the word ice skate but apparently it is one of her favorite sports and she was telling me where I could go ice skating here. 

I am going to Cadiz for carnaval this weekend which I am really excited about. My costume ideas are hungry hungry hippos, Captain Planet, or Pocahontas. Not really sure how I am going to be any of those things but it should be interesting. Alright, time for a siesta. I went out last night for Joshua's birthday (one of the boys who studied at USC) and had to get up early for volunteering so I am going to try to nap before class! 

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