Friday, January 23, 2009

chin chin

i made it! i made it! i made it! spain is so amazing and i have only been here for 24 hours. i meet four really cool girls almost immediately after i landed. kristen, liah, and molly are all from kansas and christina is originally from sweden but moved to massachusetts. my roommate is really nice but we are pretty different which is ok, i actually think it might be easier living with someone for four months and not hang out with them all the time. the entire group went out to dinner last night and then the five of us went out to a bar called dubliners where we tested our spanish with the locals. today we went to a museum and then went to the royal palace where king phillip v lived. it was BEAUTIFUL! unfortunately i wasn't allowed to take pictures inside of either the museum or the palace. we are going to a monastery tomorrow and then leave for granada on sunday. i think that i might move to spain when i graduate (smith we might need to forget skyscrapers and switch our dreams to european architecture). when i was at lunch today, these four business men were taking there 3 hour break in the middle of the day enjoying a leisurely lunch, a bottle of wine, and a game of cards--talk about the good life.
time for my siesta! more later...
love, grayson 
ps. chin chin means cheers


  1. UM DUBLINERS IS THE BAR I WENT TO EVERY NIGHT WHEN I LIVED IN MADRID. that is soooo weird that is where you went.. it is the same dubliners if the bathrooms downstairs to the left and it is in sol on one of the side streets across from the tio pepe sign and near mcdonalds and the horse and plaza mayor. grayson, that is where adam, emily and all my friends hung out. and thats the bar with the bartender story i have told you. that is so weird.. i mean i know it is an irish pub and thats where tourist tend to go but there are so many bars like it in sol i cant believe you went to that one! ahhh i cant get over that!
